¨ The Archbishop's Appeal for Ministries is an annual campaign that supports more than 30 shared ministries that advance the mission of the Catholic Church in our area. Please consider a donation so that Walking United in Christ, we can consistently care for those who rely upon the Archdiocese and our programs for life and faith sustaining support. Please visit archsa.org/archbishops-appeal to give today! Have questions? Please call (210) 734-1910.
¨ Grotto floor bricks are now $300 and special placed bricks (rosary, near statues, etc.) are $500. If interested in purchasing a brick, please visit https://stonino.org/projects or call the office.
¨ When writing checks, please only use blue or black ink. Thank you!
¨ Saving for baby Jesus fundraiser! Empty baby bottles are available to take home in the foyer. Please place your loose change in the bottle and bring the bottle back to church when filled. Donations benefit our building fund!¨ Bible sharing takes place every Monday 7-9pm. Snacks are provided. If interested in attending, please contact Dr. Connie Nepomuceno.